Update (5/22/2021):
- Per PA State Order and CDC Guidance on Universal Masking, players and coaches should wear a face covering when unable to maintain 6ft distancing unless vaccinated.
- For baseball, this would typically apply when teams are in dugouts. Coaches and players should make every effort to wear a face-covering while in the dugout area.
PA Universal Masking Guidance
UPDATE (February 1st, 2021):
2021 MLBA Return to Play Plan/Guidelines
- Additional guidance will be provided to players, volunteers and families as we get ready to take the field.
UPDATE (August 28th, 2020):
- Per Pennsylvania mandate, masks are required for all people not on the playing fields. Coaches must wear a mask while on the bench/in dugout.
We ask families to minimize guests or spectators. Only 1 parent per player should attend (no siblings). Player drop-off/pick-up is recommended (when appropriate). Participants are required to adhere to a total of 100 persons per field limit, set forth by the governor’s/county health mandate.- Do not arrive more than 15 minutes before your field time, and exit the premises within 15 minutes of completing your game.
- If you, or anyone in your family, have symptoms of COVID-19, please do not attend your scheduled game or practice.
Mt Lebanon Baseball Association will continue to monitor the situation, and update teams/families of any changes.
Coaches and Volunteers:
- Must conduct daily personal symptom assessments. Anyone experiencing symptoms or a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher must stay home.
- Must adhere to physical six-foot distancing at all times possible and avoid congregating during down time.
- Will direct players, coaches and spectators to promptly leave the field and surrounding area after games and practices.
- Should wear a face covering when interacting with players, coaches and umpires.
- Must assess the conditions of his players before and during the games. If someone appears to be ill, the coach must immediately stop the game and have the player leave the facility with his or her parents/guardians.
- Should clean their hands with provided sanitizer frequently.
- Arrange for players to bring portable seating to extend the dugout area.
- Encourage staggered pick up and drop off procedures for practice and games.
- Ensure that athletes are not congregating while awaiting pick up or drop off.
Please review the General, On-field, and Game Operation Guidance in the COVID-19 Best Practices (Baseball) documentation.
- Must conduct daily symptom assessments (self-evaluation). Anyone experiencing symptoms must stay home.
- Must abide by the 6-feet distancing rule while not in the field of play.
- Should wear face coverings while not actively participating in the field of play. MLBA Recommends: Gaiter-Style face-masks for players. Lebo-branded face-masks are available thru Shields Emboridery: https://www.shieldsembroideryandpromotions.com/.
- Must bring their own water/beverage container, marked with their name. There will be no team water coolers or shared drinking stations.
- Must not share equipment with other players.
- Should only travel to the venue alone or with a member(s) of their immediate household.
- Must observe no touch rules and refrain from high fives, handshake lines, and other physical contact with teammates, opposing players, coaches, umpires and fans. Sportsmanship is still vital, so we will require a “tip of the cap” following the game in lieu of the handshake line.
- Spitting of all forms should be avoided. This includes spitting seeds, water, etc.
Please review the General and On-field Guidance in the COVID-19 Best Practices (Baseball) documentation.
- Must conduct daily symptom assessments (self-evaluation). Anyone experiencing symptoms must stay home.
- Must abide by 6-feet social distancing requirements.
- Will not be permitted to sit near the backstop, dugouts, or on the bleachers (unless able to maintain social distancing). They should spread out along the left and right field foul lines, or the outfield fence line where possible.
- Parents should refrain from attending practices, or volunteering to assist with coaching.
- Face coverings are strongly recommended for all spectators when unable to maintain social distancing, but especially those considered at higher risk for contracting COVID-19.
Please review the General and Fan Guidance in the COVID-19 Best Practices (Baseball) documentation.
In the event an athlete, coach or official falls ill with suspected COVID-19 symptoms:
- Contact MLBA COVID-19 Liaison- Don Mckay at [email protected] or 412-414-7523 to report.
- MLBA will notify appropriate families with players registered in the league that there is an ill party and recommend that everyone self-monitor and self-assess for Covid-19 symptoms.
- MLBA will suspend all team activities until further notice (when deemed appropriate).
For additional recommendations on things we all can do to stay safe while playing during the COVID-19 pandemic, please download the Best Practices PDF file: COVID-19 Best Practices (Baseball)