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Mt. Lebanon Baseball Association

Lebo Prime Baseball

The purpose of the Lebo Prime program is to:

  • PRIME the player's interest in the sport of baseball.
  • PRIME players to become lifelong athletes. 
  • Serve as the PRIME introduction to sports, free from negative experiences and pressure.
  • Develop players and coaches who are the PRIME examples of sportsmanship, effort, and play.
  • Develop the PRIME baseball player in each athlete.

Lebo Prime Baseball Tryout Information

Please review our Lebo Prime Program overview, eligibility and commitment information prior to registering for a tryout for one of our Lebo Prime Tournament Teams. 

Lebo Prime Baseball Overview
Lebo Prime Team Formation Process

Tryouts are scheduled on Thursday, February 27th, 2025 for 12U Cooperstown Age Group ONLY and All Other Age Groups are TBD at C-Side Sports or Mayview Indoor Facility. Please see the schedule below for your specific age-group date and time. 

To preserve the integrity and consistency of evaluations, make-up dates will NOT be offered. Indoor facility rental, evaluator scheduling, and volunteer coordinating effort requires that all prospective participants attend the scheduled dates.

C-Side Sports
11 Line Drive Lane
Canonsburg, PA 15317
(2 miles from the Meadows Casino)






8PM - 9:30PM



TBDTBD13U/14UMayview Indoor
3/20/20258PM - 9:30PM11U









There are NO scheduled make-up tryouts. All players are expected to attend a tryout on their age-group's tryout date*. 

*If a player is unable to make their age-group tryout date, please contact us at [email protected] to discuss options.

General Information

  • Players should arrive approximately 15 minutes before their scheduled tryout time to check-in.
  • Upon check-in, each player will receive a wristband with a number that they will give to each of the Evaluators at each of the stations.
  • Prior to the start of the tryout, players will be divided into smaller groups and instructed on the process. Groups will rotate through all the stations.
  • Due to space constraints, parents should drop off player or wait in the lobby until the completion of the tryout.
  • Total tryout time should be less than 90 minutes.


  • Players should not wear any clothing with their name on it or from a previous year Lebo Prime tournament team.
  • Players should wear shoes appropriate for turf (no metal cleats).
  • Players should wear baseball-appropriate clothing.
  • Players must provide their own glove.
  • Players may bring their own bat that meets the current MLBA rules for the age group. See the MLBA website for current bat rules. Bats will be available, if needed.
  • Players may bring their own batting helmets. Batting helmets will be available, if needed.

Please Remember:

  • Review the Lebo Prime Baseball Program player eligibility and commitment requirements, available here.
  • Age is determined by the players age on April 30 of the current year. Players in their respective age groups must not reach the next age before May 1 of the current year.
  • MLBA gives priority to players that are in the same grade and meet the team age requirement. Typically, players are not allowed to “play up.”
  • Players must participate in the tryout for his or her age group unless an excused absence is approved by the MLBA Board of Directors.
  • All requests for excused absences from the tryouts must be submitted in writing at least 24 hours before the player’s scheduled tryout time.

If you have questions or need to request an excused absence, please contact the Director of Competitive Leagues at [email protected]

Mt. Lebanon Baseball Association

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  
Phone : 412-392-7374
Email : [email protected]
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